lyrical for Marketing


Businesses just want to be able to make better decisions—faster. But enterprises require more data, dollars, and analytical skills to succeed in a world in which data is the new oil and electricity. Many face the challenge of data deluge, digital ecosystem complexity, and fragmentation. Unstructured data makes up 80% of enterprise data, according to Gartner, compared to structured data at 20%. This problem has broad implications that impact a company’s ability to make critical decisions, inform marketing initiatives, improve customer and employee experiences, and drive innovation strategy. The most competitive companies are those that can achieve better results more quickly while combining structured and unstructured data flexibly within their current business intelligence platforms. 

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lyrical for marketing uncovers hidden dimensions in data that help enterprises achieve better performance, insights, and experiences. Through less time, data, and investment, the system is input-flexible and output agnostic—plugging into most BI and martech tools available today. As a result, lyrical delivers insights about global markets, industries, and customer experiences that make businesses smarter. Iyrical uses natural language processing and a variety of machine learning techniques to reveal what drives desired outcomes. We offer an intelligent SaaS suite as well as AI advisory and innovation services for marketing orchestration, business strategy, and conversational analytics.


customer intelligence

+ Data transformation

+ NPS drivers

+ Bespoke audience design

+ Supervised and unsupervised segmentation

+ Lead scoring automation

+ Sentiment analysis



programmatic AI

+ Custom predictive models

+ Data pipelines in production

+ ETL microservices

+ Unstructured data transformation

+ Automated knowledge discovery and insights


marketing & brand optimization

+ Brand KPI optimization to demand generation

+ Brand resonance

+ Brand affinity themes

+ Brand health research

+ Messaging & personalization

+ AI creative attribute testing


marketing orchestration

+ Custom API integrations

+ Dynamic predictive scores

+ Activation into BI, CRM, or Programmatic Platforms

+ Data integration and curation

+ Autonomous micro-segmentation

+ Meta-data / Ad server data transformation



AI platform strategy

+ Advanced analytics and automation

+ Customer journey modeling

+ GTM for AI personalization


+ Analytical differentiation

+ Customer power / Optimal Experiences=



macro insights

+ Data integration across sources

+ Domain-specific data

+ Vertical corpus orientation

+ Category health & equity research

+ Category messaging power

+ and more



for marketers

lyrical was created with a singular mission in mind — to redefine intelligence by building a general purpose brain that understands the world and your company’s role in it. Through vast digital signals that create a holistic view on markets, enterprises, and people, lyrical achieves results without the hassle of commissioning a market research company or consultancy to garner insights that scale. As a result, we have built the most comprehensive real-time market intelligence platform powered by AI and natural language processing. This means better results—faster, and with less effort and investment. 

Not only is our core AI platform unrivaled in its ability to predict a broad range of outcomes across industries, but it can also transform hundreds of thousands of dimensions into meaningful and actionable models that inform critical customer, marketing, employee, and business experiences. lyrical is the most powerful platform for inspiring influence, impacting behavior, and growing business. 

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